

  1. Make note of the student's behaviors or other circumstances in relation to 你的班级 that you believe are impacting/may impact the student's learning. THESE are the focus of your interactions with the student, NOT any disability. Examples – challenges accessing or understanding visual aids during lectures; difficulty accessing computers 和/或 equipment during lab time; incomplete/inaccurate note-taking; challenges with homework load because reading text takes longer; challenges participating in classroom activities/moving around classroom.
  2. Speak with the student in a confidential environment.
  3. 问学生 what challenges s/he is experiencing in the class and what strategies s/he has used successfully in the past, 并用这些来指导你的教学实践.
  4. 如果相关, ask the student about his/her screen reader, service dog, or other adaptive equipment to help you determine if simple changes like a designated seat, having small groups come to and form around the student (who would not change seats), pairing with a classmate for part of all of each class session, or other quick adjustments can improve learning for the student.
  5. 讨论你的顾虑 这个学生还没有提出, based on your observations and your knowledge of your upcoming assignments and curriculum. Then strategize with the student how to address these. 你不妨参考一下 教学策略 创意页面.
  6. 如果学生有住宿计划需求方, 复习和讨论 与学生的计划.
  7. 如果学生没有住宿计划: While you can't directly refer a student to the 需求方办公室 or inquire whether the student currently works with 需求方, 你可以推荐一系列的校园服务 致学生. Discuss student support services on campus including 在中科院辅导, CAS工作坊, 需求方办公室, 咨询, and other services 适当的, and offer to refer the student as s/he wishes, using 早期预警.


  1. URGENT: If needed, contact 需求方 immediately for assistance obtaining tactile representations 的图形. 地图、图纸等. can take weeks or even months to have converted to alternative formats, 所以尽快开始这个过程.
  2. 紧急:检查你所有的在线文件, 链接的网站, and other electronically housed materials for accessibility. 看到 访问文件 的“在线资料”部分 检查表,完成基本步骤. 这取决于你的学生面临的挑战, you will need to prioritize either making sure content is tagged for screen readers, or material is formatted with large print and high contrast, 和/或 information is not conveyed solely by color such as by colored text or highlighting. 接下来,接触 三里岛事故 (技术中介教学)和 需求方 如有任何遗留问题,请员工提供帮助.
  3. Check 你的班级room layout to make sure that there are clear paths of travel. Confirm with the student whether s/he has become familiar with the classroom layout, 如果不是, offer to arrange time outside of class time for the student to learn the layout by navigating it for practice (contact your area secretary or appropriate administrator for assistance if needed).
  4. If your student has partial sight, examine light levels in 你的班级room to determine if additional lighting could improve the student's access to content in the classroom. 咨询 需求方办公室 和/或 设施 适当的.
  5. Train yourself to provide concise, clear descriptions 演示中视觉材料或步骤的, and to speak all of the content presented with overhead projections and other visuals. Note that this practice will also support other students' learning.
  6. 检查讲台麦克风的功能 如果你的教室有的话, and use it if you and the student agree that this would be helpful (remember that your student may be learning primarily through his/her hearing while in 你的班级room). If you are unfamiliar with how to operate the microphone, ask for assistance 从 a colleague or view the instructions for your building's smart classroom systems at Information Technology Support Services' 教室技术操作说明 学习页面. If the microphone seems to be functioning poorly, place a work order with 设施 for repair using the Online Work Order link on their webpage.
  7. 检查你说话声音的清晰度和音量 in the classroom by making a recording yourself or asking a colleague to sit in on 你的班级 and provide feedback. Be sure to place the recording device/colleague at several points around the room.
  8. 向同事咨询策略 they have used successfully when dealing with similar challenges, but be careful to maintain the student's confidentiality.
  9. 请联系dsp办公室 to request any resources they may have available to support your working with a student with the challenges you are observing. They may have media or print materials specific to your concerns, or they may be able to refer you to a campus colleague who has had success working with similar students.
  10. 如果你有顾虑 关于你学生的安全, 你的班级, 和/或自己, 联系你的系主任, 你的院长或主任, or the Vice President for Student Services for guidance.


To expand your knowledge base for working with students with disabilities:

  1. 检查 教学策略 具体策略页面.
  2. 探索 更多教师资源 page for links to additional guides, information, and materials to build your skills.
  3. 我的 残疾的意识 图书页面, 电影, 在线视频剪辑, and other materials to provide context to work effectively with these students.


提供的资料仅供参考. 如需法律建议,请咨询法律专业人士.